Painter / sculptor / art teacher / cultural manager
2005 BA Fine Arts, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador
2013 Online Postgraduate Course in City Management and Creative Entrepreneurship,
Universidad Nacional de Córdova, Argentina
2020 “Apachita “, La Minga Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2020 “Step Fragments”, Mediaagua, Quito, Ecuador
2018 “Nocronos”, Consulate General of Ecuador, Miami, USA
2018 “Nocronos “, Cevor Latin American Art Gallery, Miami, USA.
2013 “The Hook of Pisces”, P7Gallery, Quito, Ecuador.
2012 “Opposite Poles” Casa de la Abuela Art Hotel, Baños, Ecuador
2011 “Homolunática” Pentasiete Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2008 ”Opposite Poles” Gallery 39,Caracas, Venezuela.
2006 “Time in Red” Site Center, Quito
2005 “At the Height” Teleférico Quito, Ecuador
2005 “The Craft of Time” Museum of the City, Quito, Ecuador
2022 “From the Millennium to the Millennials “, Art Collecting Sabai. Quito, Ecuador
2022 “Habitus “, La Minga Gallery. Quito, Ecuador
2022 “The King off the Kings “, OFF Gallery. Cuenca, Ecuador
2021 “Paraphernalia “, Casa Merced. Cuenca, Ecuador
2020 “The First “, 4th Edition. Guayaquil, Ecuador.
2019 “Serial 7x7“, Chancellery, San Salvador, El Salvador
2018 “Project TULUM “, Wynwood, Miami, USA.
2018 “Septennium “Pentasiete Gallery, Quito, Ecuador.
2018 “Three Perspectives “Cevor Latin American Art Gallery, Miami, USA
2017 “At Full Volume II “Pentasiete Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2017 “Surviving Nature“, Pentasiete Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2017 “San Violentín“, Pentasiete Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2016 “The Most “Artik Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2016 “At Full Volume I “, Pentasiete Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2016 “The Clothesline “, Pentasiete Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2015 “El Feast “, Pentasiete Gallery, Quito, Ecuador.
2014 “Anti Conceptual Methods “Z Lifestyle Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2013 “Joyous Death”, El Cráter Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2012 “Esse in Motus”, Pentasiete Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2010 “Ecuadorian Renascence in New York”, Queens Museum, New York, USA
2009 “MGA”, Universidad Central of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
2021 National Sculpture Biennale, Ibarra, Ecuador. (Honorable Mention)
2018 Art Shopping, Carrousel du Louvre, FIAC, Paris, France
2017 Endless, Pentasiete Gallery, Quito, Ecuador
2015 AQ Art Fair QUITO, Quito, Ecuador
2009 MANUEL RENDÓN SEMINARIO Hall, Quito, Ecuador
2008 “In the Middle of the Street”, Caracas, Venezuela
2004 “5th Outdoor Art Festival”, Guayaquil, Ecuador
2021-2022. Sabai. Director of the art collector project.
Production of permanent exhibitions of accessible contemporary art.
2020-2022. La Minga Gallery. Gallery Director. Quito, Ecuador
Contemporary art exhibitions.
2020-2022. Gallery Circuit. Director. Quito, Ecuador.
Monthly even, a day in which the public visits several galleries in a single day.
2011-2020 Pentasiete Art Studio, Cumbayá, Ecuador.
Founder, director, event manager (120 art exhibitions, 20 concerts, 20 multidisciplinary events, 5 art and entrepreneurship fairs, 10 drink, draw and dance events, 5 puppet shows, 3 sculpture festivals, 1 meeting of painting and 1 college painting award.
2018- 2022 Sculptor collective EN LAS NUBES. Member.
Management of sculpture projects.
2015-2020 EL Santuario Sculpture Workshop. Director
Production of sculptures in vain material sans dimensions,
2013-2020. La Tejedora Creative District. Implementation mentor of first creative district in Ecuador
2014 y 2016. Coordinator of Open Workshops Quito.
Day of visit and commercialization of art in the workshops of the artists.
2011 Blue Riddle, Quito. Scenographer
Theater and dance with young people with disabilities.
Co-director of the artistic collective.
Periodic presentations of painting, music and dance live shows.
2005-2007 ALUCINARTE Art Festival. Producer
School Art Day: music concerts, juggling, dance, theater, live painting, live
sculpture and art exhibition.
2006 “LA BUSCANADA” Quito. Producer and scenographer.
Live dance and painting performance. Ecuadorian House of Culture
2005- 2006 Teleférico de Quito. Director of cultural events.
Permanent presentations of multidisciplinary art events: music, painting, sculpture, theater, dance, puppets, juggling
2005 Experimental Short Film Dr. X
Art director.
2022 “The Traveler”, Monumental sculpture for the International Airport in Quito
2021 “The Grandparents”, Monumental sculpture for Eguiguren Ruales Family, Cayambe, Ecuador.
2021 “The Alliance”, Sculpture for the Swiss Embassy in Ecuador.
2021 “Banksy,” Murals for offices of EMERMAX company in Quito
2020 “Pop Portraits”, Several murals for different places for the Latitud 0 Brewery in Quito and Cuenca.
2020 “Ava Gardner”, Mural for the hall of the Unique building in Quito.
2019 “Simonetta Vespucci”, Mural for the entrance of Simonetta Italian food restaurant, Quito
2018 “Mechanic Tree”, Sculpture for law firm Yepez Vaca, Quito
2017 “The Weaver”, Monumental Sculpture for La Tejedora Creative District, Quito
2017 “Logo Avesca” Sculpture for the gardens of the Avesca factory, Quito